Friday, October 1, 2010

What size is your straight jacket?

Oh my friends, has it ever been a day.  A week really.  But sometimes things just all like to really come to a head at once.  It's not just that we've been sick all week, culminating in doctor appointments, diagnoses of walking pneumonia and bronchitis, antibiotics and inhalers being prescribed, it's not just that we're preparing for a week away (and yes, all you burglars we do employ house/dog sitters who are here full-time, so don't even bother), it's not just that I had one day in which to do all that I would normally do over the course of a full week and while I still feel like a truck has run over me and squeezed out every ounce of energy, it's that the crazy, weather warning inducing storm, BLEW DOWN THE POOL FENCE.  The very one that keeps all the neighborhood children from drowning.  And that my friends, is what size my straight jacket is.

But since really, straight jackets are a bit limiting fashion-wise, I have decided to find a bright spot...or a few...first, I woke up on the right side of the dirt.  Now when I start there, well, you just know it's been a rough go of things.  Second, nobody did drown in the pool and it is almost back up.  (Yay to my husband who can fix everything!)  Third, well, I'm sort of stumped on a third because I'm so exhausted.  So I guess we'll stick with waking up on the right side of the dirt AND no dead guys in my pool.  Because either one of those things would REALLY wreak havoc.

Love ya'

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