Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fling them aside!

Cast them off!

Today, just this morning, I have flung Monkey #2 off my back.  The TV issue, solved Monday, I guess has to qualify as #1.  But really, this morning's, was so much more fulfilling.  The details are boring, so I won't list them, but Bill and I are going to raise our glasses to taking care of bidness tonight!

And before anyone goes off getting all...I hate Sherri and her perfect, monkey flung off, life...just know there are plenty where that one came from.  My life is by any measure NOT perfect.

One monkey at a time.
Even though I tend to want to take on the whole zoo in one massive, life altering, glorious, hard left turning change, the world in general, seems not to want to cooperate.
So I will settle for one at time, and be glad it's gone.
And really hope we didn't just make room for a new one. Hardee har har.  That would be a drag!

So if you've been putting it off...just start.  This particular monkey fling has been MONTHS in the making, but if we hadn't started...well I'd be carting that thing around my neck right now.

Love ya'!

P.S.  My reward for this???  Spending the day at one of those tortuous kid places full of LOUD video games and go carts with my boys.  They won a trip from our charter school.  Good test scores or something useless like that.  I'll be bringing the Advil.  You can find me at the picnic bench in the shady corner.

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