Friday, July 11, 2014

Fall Out of the Bee Sting

RIP kamikaze bee 7/10/14

Thanks you little suicidal rat bastard bee who thought my beach towel was a flower. I had a nice day after you stung me yesterday morning.

me: all those little bothersome breathing issues from a constricted chest and throat...gone. Ha!

me: finished the last 4 episodes of cult classic Freaks and Geeks on Netflix. In 1999, when it was on the air, I had 3 kids 4 and under. I was busy. It was niche programming before anyone understood that. Too bad.

bee: since it seems I've developed an allergic reaction to bee venom when I was last stung on a camping trip when I was 10, I have to see my doc and be allergy tested. Could end up having to haul around a bee kit for the rest of my life. I hate hauling stuff around. But I think I'd hate death by honeybee more. Sigh.

me: sting site? What sting site? I can barely find it. Ha!

me: totally amused my husband last night without trying because I'm such a wimp. Plus he took me out for an ice cream cone.

TALLY: me...4 bee...1

Making lemonade out of lemons.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

When It's Been A Good Ride

Every once in awhile you just need to spend the afternoon in bed watching Sex In The City reruns on E! and ponder your next Big Move.

Today I hung up my homeschooling mom's hat. My baby has completed 8th grade and is headed off to our local high school next year. He's definitely not a baby by any standards, so I never even think of him that way. And most certainly wouldn't say it aloud. He is, however, our only home grown kid who has never attended a typical public school. So there's that. I think he'll be just fine though and make his own way.

No, I'm not sad, it's been a good 11 years...interesting, challenging, fun, hard, easy, boring and exciting...but I am wondering what I'll do next. The Man is hoping it won't be another Big Project, at least not until football season is over next December, because these last six months of doing both has been no cake walk. Things are in disarray, vaguely chaotic and rushed. Two weeks ago I accidentally triple booked myself. As fabulous and amazing as I am, I can still only be in one place at a time. It's time to breathe and make a new routine.

So for now, I'm looking forward to being home. Putting things back in order. Stoking the home fires and bossing my family around.

I imagine they'll be over that by summer's end.




Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Can You Feel It?

I woke up with this particular bit of wisdom front and center, demanding attention this morning.

Grateful today for Maya Angelou's legacy.




Sunday, April 13, 2014

Lemon Drop Martinis & Mad Men

Tonight the premier of the final season of Mad Men will hit my TV at 10pm. It's also Spring Break around here so guess who shouldn't have to get up early tomorrow morning? Me. But I will because my oldest, the 19 year old, is moving out...I will get up and share her joy in her independence. In preparation, and because I have a glorious abundance of Meyer Lemons, I will sip my perfected Lemon Drop Martini.

3 oz Absolut Citron Vodka

1 oz Grand Marnier

1 oz Simple Syrup

1 1/2 oz Meyer lemon juice

Mix in a shaker full of ice and pour into a chilled, sugar rimmed martini glass .

If you like yours a little more tart, just reduce the simple syrup ;)

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Easy Afternoons

Polly and I are eating chips this afternoon. Me, because I keep sticking my hand into the bag of Classic Lay's. Her, because each time, one hits the floor. I don't think she minds. 10 second rule applies to dogs for sure.

I also just realized I 100% forgot to go to my son's track meet. Because he came home. In his track tank. Good thing he can drive. What are you supposed to take to spice up your memory???

Feeling confused,


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Thursday, February 20, 2014

All's Quiet on the Western Front.

2/20/14 UPDATE...
I wrote this a long, long time ago.  When exactly and what was happening exactly, I have no idea now.  Which just goes to show you how many shenanigans my 3 kids can get into in any set or unset period of time.  I'm quite sure whatever the doozy was that prompted the unposted blog, has been followed up by both bigger and smaller shenanigans.  But since it sat unpublished for at least a year, I can assume it was a world tilter.  Or not.  Hard to know actually because nobody went to prison and nobody died.  In other words, the lunatics are, indeed, still running this asylum.

But the pertinent thing is that good advice remains constant.  And the good advice I received from a friend back then has been tested time and again here in The Household, repeatedly proving itself to be a true sanity saver in a FUBAR type situation...

Hello, Hey There, Hi All, What's Up?, Boo!

I have come to appreciate the fact that, living in the moment, does truly mean relishing the easy, joyful, pleasantly fabulous, good times.  Because while there used to be a time when occasionally the other proverbial foot would drop (and frankly, it was often a doozy), that with kids, the other foot is generally in step with its partner. It's not if, it's when and what size.  And I would Flip Out.

A friend of mine shared a pearl of wisdom with me a few weeks back.  And really I need to thank her husband who, done thunk it up, as they say.

One fine day my friends received one of those killer phone calls, and the jig was up for one of her children.  A teenager.  Of course.  It was a Big Deal.  No joking matter.  While she was hyperventilating, her husband calmly dealt with the phone call, the next step, and the one after that.

HOW do you do that?  My friend really wanted to know, so she asked her man.  This is what he said...

I pretend it's not my kid and do what I would advise my friend to do if it were HIS kid.


It's like following the advice you just gave someone right after you said...of course it's easier to say/do/believe that because it's not my kid but what if you just...fill in the blank.  That's it.  Just that simple.

And it's what I'm doing today.
