Monday, March 21, 2011

1 box, 2 boxes, it's how the cashier knew.

This man, also known and usually referred to by me, as the hubs, hubby, sweetie, The Man, hunka hunka burnin' love, damn baby, and other even more embarrassing nicknames, had a birthday last Friday.  He has many qualities that cause me to love and adore him.  For starters, despite the fact that he does not have one iota of laziness in his precious soul, he never begrudges me my serious personality flaw which makes me constantly yearn for a soft sofa to lounge around on.  He's funny, steady, kind, and can go shopping with me without anybody wondering if he's straight.  He can fix pretty much anything, build stuff, looks smokin' hot in a suit or a pair of Levi's, is an awesome driver, and a really good dad.  He makes me feel safe, loved and treasured.  And get this, I don't scare him.  (I've scared lots of male types in my earlier days...they just couldn't handle this redhead.)  But this one...not scared.  He can totally deal.  His dad, back when we got engaged, said something like...Son, are you sure?  She's a redhead with Mexican blood in her.  I've seen that temper.  The only thing worse than that is a Texas blond.  You sure about this?...  My sweetie just smiled, and said he had it covered.  He's totally a keeper.

The other thing I love about him?  He's older than me by 4 1/2 months.  Believe me...I like to ride him about that all the time.  Without fail.  And now that he's once again had his birthday, our numbers accurately reflect that.  THANKS HONEY! 

Those boxes I mentioned up top?  When I was at the grocery picking up a few things to fulfill all his dinner and birthday cake desires, the cashier must be your husband's birthday...  I couldn't figure out how she knew that, exactly.  Sure it was a birthday, all the signs were on the counter...the birthday balloon, the yummy ingredients, the celebratory napkins, the blue cake candles (blue candles, probably a dude)... OH!  It was the candles.  2 boxes.  More than 36.  Probably not my son.  Smart lady.

So yeah, if you ever wonder, they are checking out what you're buying, trying to put 2 and 2 together.  Wonder what they were thinking the night I bought wine, dark chocolate M&M's, and a big pink box.  Oh right.  Everyone knows what that means... ;)

I'm off to take the ribs out of the oven for the other male in the family with a March birthday.  Yep, that's 2 birthdays within 3 days of each other.  The girl is a couple days before Christmas, I'm the day before Halloween and my youngest's birthday falls right when we take our annual beach vacation.  Why do anything simply?


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Late and without a shamrock.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!!!!!!!!

There are good ships, and there are wood ships, the ships that sail the sea.
But the best ships are friendships, and may they always be.

I know, it's almost over...sometimes the day just rolls like that regardless of my plans.  Not that it was a bad day, just a busy one.  I spent a good part of my day putting together my midterm portfolio for my photog class.  This was one of my favorites...

An Irishman is never drunk as long as he can hold on to one blade of
grass and not fall on the face of the earth.

The color is quite a bit lovelier in the actual print and in my computer file than it is here, but still, it makes me smile.  I know there about a bajillion photos just like this blade of grass with dew drops glistening in the morning sun.  But the fact that I got this so tightly focused, and it actually came out just like I wanted it to, straight out of the camera, no post editing, made it TOTALLY worth the fact that yesterday at 8:30am I was purposely lying on my stomach, in the dirt, on the side of a remote rode between a horse ranch and empty field, taking pictures.

I hope everyone had a great day and enjoyed a little Irish luck!

May those who love us, love us.
And for those who don't love us,
May God turn their hearts.
And if he can not turn their hearts,
May he turn their ankles,
So we may know them by their limping.
May you live as long as you want, and never want as long as you live.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

It's 9:35pm. Do you know where your sofa is?

Because I do not.
Actually, I'm pretty sure it's still on the store's delivery truck.
Which was supposed to be here between 4pm and 8pm.
Where's my sofa??????
My living room is entirely empty....due to the impending sofa delivery.
My beagle had to get bathed today...due to the impending sofa delivery.
I cleaned the carpet in there at a wickedly early hour today...due to the impending sofa delivery.
Our old, destroyed by children, sofa is currently on the back patio...due to the...well, you know why by now.
No I will not post a photo of the old Broyhill.
It's a little too embarrassing.
Ask my friend and Sista Lisa, she's seen it and it ain't pretty.
It might even smell a little weird if we're laying it all out there.
I don't even want to put it out at the curb for Big Item Pickup on trash day next Tuesday.
Where's my new sofa???????

Now let's take a minute for something that really matters.  Pray for the people of Japan.  Hope they get those reactors cooled off and fixed up.  Contribute to the emergency relief if you can.  Take a moment and check out your emergency supplies and stock them back up.  Especially if you are like me and tend to eventually consume the emergency goods for some reason or other and then forget about replenishing.  Just do it.  Disaster can happen to any of us at any time.  The more prepared we are the better.  Someday here in Cali The Big One will indeed rattle down the San Andreas Fault and it is going to be a wild ride.  Be ready!

You should also know, that if you are in a car with me and the world seems to be ending and all the buildings are crashing down, that I am not a survivalist.  I do not want to be one of the last 17 humans on the planet.  So if we're in a car together and your basic instinct to survive is intact, you're going to want to get out of my car.  Because I'm heading mine directly towards the building that's falling down.  Just thought you might want to know.

Good night all,

P.S.  Where is my sofa???