Monday, October 11, 2010

No reason I can think of.

That is the answer to why do jumping spiders exist???  Eww.  Ack.  Probably just because they are so good at making me shriek, leap, and generally wig out as I'm trying to kill one in my house.  Do you think they are enjoying the entertainment rolling their nasty little multi-faceted eyes with each and every little jump as I jump and shriek just after?  If truly there was something to's a jumping spider.  Yuck.  Ick.  Bleh.  I think I need to lay down (lie down?) for the rest of the afternoon to fully recover from the spider killing.  Oh yes, I did get that little sucker, make no mistake about it.  I just had to freak out the entire time.

From my now spider free home,

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