Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Leanin' far right...and this ain't politics.

Good Morning!

I'm trying to get over the HUGE disappointment of having zero, zilch, nada, nothing, not even one, beach camping reservation over the summer.  Why have I already given up hope on a cold, foggy, 30 degree February morning?

 Because out here, the state beach campgrounds are controlled by Reserve America.  Reservations are crucial.  And they must be made on the first day, in the first 3 seconds they are even available, at 8am on the first of every month - 6 months out - or you are out of luck my friend.  And that's us this summer.  Out. Of. Luck.

Sigh.  Whine. Pout.

I blame Arnold, our former Govenator.

Last night, I went through the 542 emails that had been languishing in my mailboxes (yes, it's plural, don't ask, why keep it too easy?), and found a little gem from Real Simple magazine.  Organizing based on your personality type.  I was hoping for the Slacker's Guide to Organizing.  Instead there was a 20 question quiz to figure out if you're predominantly left or right brained.  I loved the little captions they used to summarize each.
  • Right-brain types are visually oriented. They tend to think in images rather than words, focus on the big picture rather than the details, and go through life in a somewhat seat-of-the-pants (a.k.a. scattered) way.
  • Left-brainers are those who think in words (attention, list makers!), do a lot of advance planning, and approach challenges in a rational, linear way. 
Well, I didn't need to take the quiz to know where I fell.  Or where my man does.  But I made us do it anyhow, because it's what we've all been doing to our guys since our grade school Tiger Beat magazine quizzes.  Remember those 'Are You Compatible?' take this 5 question quiz to fight out if he's your Prince Charming.   Too funny how serious I was about those.  Whatever happened to Don B. who I loved in 4th grade, anyhow?! 

So Bill (who is My Prince Charming) and I scored exactly the same.  But opposite.  No big surprise there.  However, 3 of my 4 Left-Brain traits, are completely, absolutely, learned, conscious things that I have copied from my completely Right Brained husband.  Which either makes me wishy-washy and easily influenced OR coachable.  I'm going with coachable.
But really it's an extension of my deep, deep, Grand Canyon deep, desire to exert as little energy as possible, at any given moment.

Do I make lists?  All the time.  Otherwise I forget pretty much anything that's not right in front of me and it is ALWAYS more work if you forget something until it's upon you.  Do I always take one to the grocery?  Yup.  Not having say...the chicken...for the roast chicken/mashed potatoes/green beans dinner I'm making is a total buzz kill.  Morning routine?  Definitely.  Keeps me from walking out the door with different shoes on.  It's happened.  And yes, I do like having a designated place for things in my closet and dressers.  It's better to realize there are no clean underwear in there when you still have time to do laundry.  A little more comfortable too.

Okay, so re-read the two summaries they gave.   Any guess which kind of person wrote them?  Look at all those negative connotations to being right brained...go through life...seat of the pants...scattered...  Not Nice Mr./Ms. Author Person. Not nice.

How about creative?  Confident?  Unafraid of new horizons?  Able to handle unexpected situations?  How about that???  Huh?!  I'm just saying.

There are 2 sides to every coin my friend.  Of our left brainers we could say...rigid, anal, dull, unable to adapt...need I go on?  I didn't think so.

I must say many of my very favorite people in the world are totally Left Brainers.  Like my husband.  The man is unable to walk into a restaurant and order something other than what he always does (yes, it was one of the quiz questions).  It's okay.  I'm there to try every single menu option there is.

Off to go through my day by the seat of my pants...and love it,

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