Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Distractions can be a good thing...

...especially when they shift my attention from my aching back.

Bruno Mars is a cutie.  Loved his performance on the Grammy's.  I might have to pick up his CD.  Yes, I am totally aware that buying a CD totally dates me.  Whatev'.  Shoulder shrug.  I remember 8 tracks too.  My cousin had the coolest one in her '67 Camaro.
Making oatmeal chocolate chip cookies for the first time in years.  They might be my favorite ever cookie.  I hoard them!  Which is why I don't make them hardly ever.

Reality TV - if you ever need a dose of how sane your life really is, just tune in to the Real Housewives of Somewhere.  What? You couldn't stand the OC Housewives.  Me either  I think I've known too many people just like that.  However, I loved the Jersey Housewives.  I so want to flip a table someday, when the circumstances call for it.  Of course I kind of hope they never do, because I don't like to get that mad.  You could also give Joan t Knows Best a drive through...poor Melissa Rivers is all I can say.  Joan is nuts.  I think each time she's had some plastic surgery they probably sucked part of her brain out.  This is what I do in the wee hours of the morning when I am up because my back is one massive cramp.

Accidentally take a 2 hour nap.  At 8:15 in the morning.  Yep, that's what happened to me today.  I had to restart my computer because it was misbehaving and so I decided to lay down for a few minutes while it did it's business.  I woke up 2 hours later!  And, no, my boys didn't wake me up when they realized I was not waiting and ready for school to start at it's usual 10am.  I can't imagine why?!

Just because I thought it was funny that I was teaching them how to properly use a semi colon in a sentence today.  Because really, when was the last time you did that?  And got it right?

Watching my husband do his impersonation of the little yellow guys in Despicable Me saying...Whaaaaat?!  He cracks me up.  I love him for that and many other reasons.  And that he worries if I'm okay when I'm being quiet because I'm tired.  I guess I must really talk a lot most of the time.

Well, that's all I've got...but I'm sure if this goes on I'll find more frivolous ways to wile away my time.


P.S.  My daughter has the bass cranked up SO LOUD that it's making the wall vibrate.

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