Sunday, February 13, 2011

IDK, The Boobie Hat & VD

So last night I subbed in my neighbor Sandi's (Hi Sandi!) Bunco game (I think she was desperate lol - can you lol not on fb or a text?! IDK and as my 13 year old writes next to his word problems in math...ID(on't)C(care).)  I think I've played about 5 times in the decade since I was first indoctrinated into the ritual of suburban bunco.  I don't mind playing, but it's not where my addictions lay.  Those happen to be firmly rooted in bad reality television, cheap wine with a pretty label and post-its. 

But playing is fine, especially if I don't have to keep score and nobody yells at me because I roll the dice too slowly.  It's happened.  Fine motor skills are not my strongest trait.  Once I even played Bunco for Boobies and when you got a 'bunco' you got to wear The Boobie Hat.  It was a breast cancer fund raising event, and I tell you what, THOSE ladies knew how to party.  I SO wanted that Boobie Hat.

BRB - I have to get the brownies out of the oven.

Happy to say they are - sing with me - Perrrfect.

We are celebrating Valentine's Day tonight at our house.  Tomorrow the hubs has plans with his other wife some kind of crazy work day, and isn't sure when he'll be home and the baby girl may or may not have plans with her sweetheart, so tonight's the night 'round here.  Hence, the brownie baking.

But I digress...I woke up with the Worst Back Ache In The History Of Man about 3am this morning.  And, despite being home by the respectable hour of 11pm,  I only went to bed at 1am.  You see, the males who reside here, decided last night would be a perfect time to watch Paranormal Activity 2.  How about NO?  Well they did, and I wanted to make sure the younger males were going to be okay going to bed.  The hubs, who committed the crime of saying yes?  Snoring like a log when I got home. I want his job.   Not really, the commute is a killer 3 hours and mine's less than the minute it takes me to get from my room to the rest of the house.

Back to my back issue...I have absolutely NO IDEA what the heck happened at that Bunco game, but it did my back in.  I'm sure it's not the six hours I spent seated at my own desk fulfilling my duties as CFO of the household and Chief Officer of Everything regarding our little school enterprise that did my back in.  Not at all.  Never mind that I just read an article about back pain, and that all the docs agreed that the single most important thing people can do to prevent back problems is practice good posture.  Huh?  Say whaaat?  All that good slouching I worked so hard at in high school is B.A.D.?  Yep, that's right, your grandma and mama were right.  Even the remaining mean old teacher at school who would thwack your desk with a ruler and tell you to...  SIT UP STRAIGHT PEOPLE! 

Happy Day Before VD,

P.S.  The word 'bunco' is not in the spell checker.  How old is this thing anyhow?

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