Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Well we saved her life... showing up on time but you won't hear that sh-- on the news.

In my 44 years I've had friends, neighbors, parents of friends, speeding ticket issuers, etc. who also happen to be in law enforcement.  They are good, funny, hard working people (even the ones who've given me speeding tickets, because yes I was doing 55 in that 35 mph zone), who pretty much never get a big thank  you unless they get killed on the job.  It's just the way it is.  Wrong.  But true. 

Today my blog is a BIG HUGE THANK YOU!  And I'll tell you why.

Yesterday, while most of us were having a Tuesday, my friend (hi Judy!) was having her Monday.  It was a shiny new workweek, full of possibilities.  She's a police officer, and so in the last 20 years has seen and done all of things most of us hope never to have to see, touch, smell or fight off.  I've known her since we sat next to each other in 7th grade band.  She played the oboe and I was usually last chair clarinet.  I say usually because every once in awhile I would forget how much more fun it was to be last chair, goofing off with Judy, and accidentally practice a lot and get moved up to like, second chair.  At which time I would promptly quit practicing so I could be demoted back to last chair again.  Even then Judy had a scowl that could convince the Swanson brothers to let me out of the band locker they had put me in.  My kids, of course, think she's cool because she's always packin' heat and even without her field weapon could take even my 6 foot football player down.  Judy is the polar opposite of their mama and sometimes I think I should take some kick ass classes from her so I could get a little more respect around this joint.

But back to yesterday.  She and her fellow officers found a homeless woman on a mattress, in a field.  The woman was covered with ants and had foam coming out of her nose...still alive.  Because they showed up in time, they saved this woman's life!  Yet in Judy's own won't see that sh-- on the news.  And it's a shame.

We get to hear all the bad stuff all the time.  And sure, there's a enough yuck to fill up an hour long news cast several times a day.  But I know there's also enough good stuff that could too.  Find the good news.  It's everywhere, lurking, waiting to make you smile!

So I humbly offer up my little blog, with it's tiny readership, to say THANK YOU  to Judy and all my other law enforcement peeps!!! 


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