2. I was feeling much funnier this morning.
3. It's the last day of Elvis Week. Have you fried your pb&b? When I'm done here I'm going to channel surf and hope for an Elvis movie marathon somewhere. Debbie and I used to watch old Elvis movies summer afternoons after we swam in her pool. See #5 if you don't know who Debbie is. Do you know why today is the last day of Elvis Week? Did you know the hubs and I used the commemorative Elvis stamp on our wedding invitations?
4. Summer is not officially over until 2 things have occurred. Labor Day and the arrival of the September issue of Vogue. Which makes the first 18 days at the local public high school a complete sham. Nobody should be expected to do Algebra when it's perfect pool weather.
5. My friend Laurie's birthday is today. Debbie's was yesterday. Lisa's was back in July. Laurie and I have been friends since Jr. High. But a few years back she moved to...wait for it...Texas. She was the first to go there. Debbie and I have been friends since 2nd grade when we were both 7 and lived kitty corner to each other. Saturday I was hanging out at her house celebrating her 35th double digit birthday. Lisa is my friend I've never met. She is fabulous, compassionate, wonderful and funny as hell. We're modern day pen pals. We met several years ago on the Chris Isaak Message Board that no longer exists. My PSA - Kiddies don't try this at home.
6. I've been reading the Ephron sisters. They are brilliant. You at least know them from their movies. But there are books people! Google if you have no idea who they are. I, of course, became aware of their novels from a food blog that Amy Ephron has, Oneforthetable. I was figuring out how to make grilled pizza. Which is to die for by the way and you have to do it.
7. Last night we had leftover night. Which completely appeals to my thrifty German side. As does rebuilding the screen door countless times rather than buying a new one every summer. But leftover night overwhelms my inner slacker. The dishes. Oy.
8. I might even delete this list entry so nobody knows a thing.
9. If you read my last two blog posts you know I fail, sometimes, to be nice. My grandpa passed away 2 weeks ago. He was 92 and a permanent fixture on my very short list of people to whom I will listen without fail if they question some decision I've made. Honestly I feel a little adrift without him. My husband is a lot like him. And that's a good thing. So I've been thinking if that woman had offered her unsolicited school supply advice on another day when I wasn't feeling adrift...maybe I would have been nicer. Or at least just ignored her comment. But I was out of sorts.
10. I love this time of year because they come out with new post-it note designs. I got some today. :D
11. Cheese Potatoes are a great accompaniment to Leftover Night because they are delish and fill in a lot of gaps...cheesy protein...sour cream for the dairy....green onions for the veggies...potatoes for the carbs and fiber... This one came from my hub's family. Probably his Grandma Mae, although I first ate them at his Aunt Dawn's House on Easter in 1988. It was the first holiday meal I shared with them and they were all very gracious and lovely with me. I loved them for it. And still do.
Parboil, cool, peel and thinly slice 7 medium potatoes - red or brown work fine.
Preheat the oven to 350F.
In a large pot (I always just use the same one I boiled the potatoes in, less work) combine -
1/2 cup butter (1 stick)
1 can cream of chicken soup (I always use the healthy request)
8 oz sour cream (light totally works)
1/3 cup sliced green onions (seems to usually be about one bunch)
2 cups shredded cheddar (use at least medium, I think mild would be too bland)
Melt all those lovely ingredients over medium heat until they are bubbly. Fold in the potatoes. Put them into a greased 9x13 dish and bake 45 minutes.
12. The nice attendance lady at my daughter's school, Miss Monica, told me she liked my red hair today. Things are looking up.
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