Tuesday, February 22, 2011

On the list, on the list - remember that Vh1 Show?

1.  My back is not fixed.

2.  I fully intended to make a delicious, healthy dinner tonight.  Built from the ground up of odds and ends in the freezer, fridge, and pantry.  It was going well.  And then I added a block of cream cheese.  Which doesn't help my 2-piece bathing suit by summer mission.  I must do better.

3.  My back works itself into a knotty mass while I sleep.  Which wakes me up.  And makes me cranky.  We might as well have a new baby in the house.  Aaack.  Did I really say that?  Slap me now.  How about a new puppy...they keep you up all night too.

4.  Our former and favorite, as well as my youngest's first crush, just got engaged (hi Kaitlyn!)!!!  Very happy news!

5.  Muscle relaxers are the bomb, but, not the be-all and end-all to my happiness.  I think physical therapy, a chiro, an acupuncturist, a jacuzzi and a massage therapist might be.  Remember the 70's...when docs could prescribe a jacuzzi and your insurance would actually fork out the dough for one?  I do.  2 friend's dads got them.  I want me some 70's love right now.

6.  The world would be a better place if everyone had to get in a jacuzzi at the end of the day.  I think everyone has one but me.  Does that sound whiny and spoiled?  I don't mean it to.  Kind of like the time I came home from my oldest 2's playgroup and announced to my husband that I was the only mom with 2 kids I knew who didn't have a housekeeper.  I wasn't whining.  It was true though.  It's okay, I moved on and found some new friends who didn't have housekeepers either.

7.  If my daughter doesn't hurry up and take her shower I'm going to bogart ALL the hot water and take a long, fabulous bath and she will have to shower in the cold remnants that are left in the water heater.

8.  Obviously we don't have a tankless hot water system.  Or solar panels.  We should though.  It's very sunny here.

9.  I think, but I'm not sure, that my photog class is not on for tomorrow.  I think we are supposed to be working on our midterm portfolios.  But I missed last week.  Because of my back.  I didn't have any muscle relaxers then, and couldn't quite function.  It's a recurring theme in my life right now.

Get in your jacuzzi...but don't add the cream cheese to dinner,

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