Sunday, April 13, 2014

Lemon Drop Martinis & Mad Men

Tonight the premier of the final season of Mad Men will hit my TV at 10pm. It's also Spring Break around here so guess who shouldn't have to get up early tomorrow morning? Me. But I will because my oldest, the 19 year old, is moving out...I will get up and share her joy in her independence. In preparation, and because I have a glorious abundance of Meyer Lemons, I will sip my perfected Lemon Drop Martini.

3 oz Absolut Citron Vodka

1 oz Grand Marnier

1 oz Simple Syrup

1 1/2 oz Meyer lemon juice

Mix in a shaker full of ice and pour into a chilled, sugar rimmed martini glass .

If you like yours a little more tart, just reduce the simple syrup ;)

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Easy Afternoons

Polly and I are eating chips this afternoon. Me, because I keep sticking my hand into the bag of Classic Lay's. Her, because each time, one hits the floor. I don't think she minds. 10 second rule applies to dogs for sure.

I also just realized I 100% forgot to go to my son's track meet. Because he came home. In his track tank. Good thing he can drive. What are you supposed to take to spice up your memory???

Feeling confused,
