Monday, March 21, 2011

1 box, 2 boxes, it's how the cashier knew.

This man, also known and usually referred to by me, as the hubs, hubby, sweetie, The Man, hunka hunka burnin' love, damn baby, and other even more embarrassing nicknames, had a birthday last Friday.  He has many qualities that cause me to love and adore him.  For starters, despite the fact that he does not have one iota of laziness in his precious soul, he never begrudges me my serious personality flaw which makes me constantly yearn for a soft sofa to lounge around on.  He's funny, steady, kind, and can go shopping with me without anybody wondering if he's straight.  He can fix pretty much anything, build stuff, looks smokin' hot in a suit or a pair of Levi's, is an awesome driver, and a really good dad.  He makes me feel safe, loved and treasured.  And get this, I don't scare him.  (I've scared lots of male types in my earlier days...they just couldn't handle this redhead.)  But this one...not scared.  He can totally deal.  His dad, back when we got engaged, said something like...Son, are you sure?  She's a redhead with Mexican blood in her.  I've seen that temper.  The only thing worse than that is a Texas blond.  You sure about this?...  My sweetie just smiled, and said he had it covered.  He's totally a keeper.

The other thing I love about him?  He's older than me by 4 1/2 months.  Believe me...I like to ride him about that all the time.  Without fail.  And now that he's once again had his birthday, our numbers accurately reflect that.  THANKS HONEY! 

Those boxes I mentioned up top?  When I was at the grocery picking up a few things to fulfill all his dinner and birthday cake desires, the cashier must be your husband's birthday...  I couldn't figure out how she knew that, exactly.  Sure it was a birthday, all the signs were on the counter...the birthday balloon, the yummy ingredients, the celebratory napkins, the blue cake candles (blue candles, probably a dude)... OH!  It was the candles.  2 boxes.  More than 36.  Probably not my son.  Smart lady.

So yeah, if you ever wonder, they are checking out what you're buying, trying to put 2 and 2 together.  Wonder what they were thinking the night I bought wine, dark chocolate M&M's, and a big pink box.  Oh right.  Everyone knows what that means... ;)

I'm off to take the ribs out of the oven for the other male in the family with a March birthday.  Yep, that's 2 birthdays within 3 days of each other.  The girl is a couple days before Christmas, I'm the day before Halloween and my youngest's birthday falls right when we take our annual beach vacation.  Why do anything simply?



  1. We got SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lucky in love, didn't we???

  2. Great. The checkers at Target must think I'm either an evil genius or a certified nutball. Homeschool project supplies tend to do that.
    Edge of Your Seat Romance

  3. Kelly - yes we absolutely did!

    Raquel - definitely! Glad to be in your company!
