Every once in awhile you just need to spend the afternoon in bed watching Sex In The City reruns on E! and ponder your next Big Move.
Today I hung up my homeschooling mom's hat. My baby has completed 8th grade and is headed off to our local high school next year. He's definitely not a baby by any standards, so I never even think of him that way. And most certainly wouldn't say it aloud. He is, however, our only home grown kid who has never attended a typical public school. So there's that. I think he'll be just fine though and make his own way.
No, I'm not sad, it's been a good 11 years...interesting, challenging, fun, hard, easy, boring and exciting...but I am wondering what I'll do next. The Man is hoping it won't be another Big Project, at least not until football season is over next December, because these last six months of doing both has been no cake walk. Things are in disarray, vaguely chaotic and rushed. Two weeks ago I accidentally triple booked myself. As fabulous and amazing as I am, I can still only be in one place at a time. It's time to breathe and make a new routine.
So for now, I'm looking forward to being home. Putting things back in order. Stoking the home fires and bossing my family around.
I imagine they'll be over that by summer's end.