This morning I was real fired up about the Rihanna controversy and I thank all of you for your comments and messages to me. It's heartening to know it's not just me out here being irritated and frustrated.
But tonight I'd like to introduce you all to my friend Raquel Byrnes. We first met a few years back at a homeschool group we both belonged to. Raquel is easily one of the most relaxed, genuine, peaceful people I have known. Within 5 minutes of meeting her you just want more of the way she makes you feel. But what I did not know until about a year and a half ago was that Raquel's little secret is that she's a very talented writer! This tidbit I discovered thanks to Facebook.
Raquel was a great inspiration to me to get back to writing, going so far as to generously inviting me to 'throw down a chapter and come meet with my writing group next Sunday'. I've yet to get that far, but I did start my blog and I can't thank her enough for the extra push. And remember awhile back when I was astonished to learn that Amish fiction not only existed, but was interesting? Raquel strikes again.
Somewhere between homeschooling her 6 kids, she writes faith based suspense/mystery/romance novels. Raquel is good and you need to check her out. Her first published novel, Purple Knot, is out on tomorrow (which will be today when I post this) 6/3/11. I put my order in today (okay, yesterday, but you all get it right?!) Anyhow, follow this link and show her some love!!!